MSC Cruises powstało w 1960 roku w Neapolu. Jest liderem na rynku rejsów po Morzu Śródziemnym, pływając po tym obszarze przez cały rok. Dodatkowo oferuje szeroki wybór tras sezonowych jak: Europa Północna, rejsy przez Atlantyk, Karaiby, Ameryka Północna i Południowa, Kanada, Ocean Indyjski, Zachodnia i Południowa Afryka.
Firma jest całkowicie europejska, ale posiada biura na całym świecie. Nowoczesna flota MSC to kilkanaście statków. Każdy z nich charakteryzuje się eleganckimi, stonowanymi wnętrzami, dbałością o szczegóły oraz włoską gościnnością którą można się cieszyć podczas rejsu.
Armator stale powiększa flotę, inwestując w nowoczesne technologie i przyjazne środowisku rozwiązania. Jednocześnie dba o starsze jednostki, regularnie je remontując.
Aktualnie MSC Cruises jest jedną z najpopularniejszych linii cruisingowych na polskim rynku.
Terms valid from 09.12.2024
• The price is for 1 day
• Internet packages cannot be purchased per day, they must be purchased for the entire cruise period
• Internet packages can be purchased for 1, 2, 3 and 4 electronic devices
• When purchasing Internet packages on board, the price will be higher
• The availability of Internet packages and their relevance must be checked when booking
• The cruise company reserves the right to suspend the Internet package at any time
Package description:
• Unlimited access
• Access to web pages
• Access to email
• Access to social networks and chats (e.g. WhatsApp, Telegram)
Region Mediterranean, Northern Europe, Canary Islands (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €10.40
2 electronic devices €17.60 €
3 electronic devices €24
4 electronic devices €28.80
UAE and the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Caribbean from Fort-de-France (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €12.80
2 electronic devices €22.40
3 electronic devices €31.20
4 electronic devices €38.40
South America, South Africa (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €10.40
2 electronic devices €16.15
3 electronic devices €22.02
4 electronic devices €26.42
Asia, Far East (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €9.54
2 electronic devices €17.61
3 electronic devices €26.40
4 electronic devices €29.36
MSC Grand Voyages (cruises up to 16 days, from 17 to 51 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €8
2 electronic devices €14.40
3 electronic devices €19.20
4 electronic devices €22.40
MSC Round the World
1 day
1 electronic device €5.60
2 electronic devices €8
3 electronic devices €9.60
4 electronic devices €11.20
Package description:
• Unlimited access
• Access to web pages
• Access to email
• Access to social networks and chats (eg: WhatsApp, Telegram)
• Access to video chats
• Access to streaming music and video
• Posting live broadcasts and videos on social networks
Region Mediterranean, Northern Europe, Canary Islands (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €13.60
2 electronic devices €24
3 electronic devices €33.60
4 electronic devices €41.60
UAE and Gulf, Red Sea, Caribbean from Fort-de-France (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €16
2 electronic devices €28.80
3 electronic devices €40.80
4 electronic devices €51.20
South America, South Africa (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device €12.48
2 electronic devices €22.02
3 electronic devices €30.83
4 electronic devices 38.17 €
Asia, Far East (cruises up to 16 days)
1 day
1 electronic device 13.21 €
2 electronic devices 23.49 €
3 electronic devices 33.03 €
4 electronic devices 44.80 €
MSC Grand Voyages (cruises up to 16 days, from 17 to 51 days)
1 day
1 electronic device 12.80 €
2 electronic devices 20.80 €
3 electronic devices 28.80 €
4 electronic devices 35.20 €
MSC Round the World
1 day
1 electronic device 8.80
2 electronic devices 14.40 €
3 electronic devices 19.20 €
4 electronic devices 22.40 €
Koszty dodatkowe:
Dodatkowo płatne na statku:
Za każdy zakup towarów w barach, restauracjach, sklepach i punktach usługowych, takich jak SPA, fryzjer itp. pobierana jest dodatkowa opłata za obsługę, której średnia wysokość wynosi 15% ceny zakupu.
Warunki kary:
To ensure a smooth and fast embarkation experience, guests must obtain the cruise ticket tagged ’Fast Track’, by completing the online check-in process either through the MSC Cruises website, or the MSC for Me app (available on select ships only).
The check-in is available from 30 days up to one day before departure of the cruise. Travel Agents can assist clients with the online check-in, as long as clients complete the mandatory parts themselves, including taking a picture with a device that has a digital camera.
To issue the cruise tickets, the following mandatory fields are required for all passengers and must be filled during the check-in process:
1) Personal Information
• First and last name
• Gender
• Place of birth
• Nationality
• Language
• Document: Passport or national ID card number
• Passport place and date of issue
• Passport or national id card expiry date
• Email, phone or mobile number
• Country of residence
• Address
• Zip code
• Region
• Province
• City
Emergency Contact of a relative or friend not traveling with your clients, that we may need to reach.
• First name
• Last name
• Telephone number
2) Onboard information
• The embarkation time slot is set by default, but if available clients can use a drop-down menu to change it to one that suits them best. If the slot is blurred, the specific embarkation time is no longer available.
• A colour passport-style, mandatory security picture has to be taken. Clients will need to use a device with a digital camera and face the camera when taking their picture.
• There’s an optional ‘Travel with’ section to provide the booking and cabin number of the client’s family or friends. Upon availability, the cabins should be assigned to eat at the same dinner table.
3) Optional registration of a credit card
To save time onboard, clients can register their credit card before their cruise. All their onboard expenses will be directly charged to their credit card.
Check in with just 3 clicks:
1. Find a check-in on the MSC Book in the Before departure section – Web check-in. Or directly visit our MSC website and click on the ‘Manage booking – Web Check-in’ section. Clients can also check in using the MSC For Me App on select ships where it’s available.
2. The booking number, name and surname must be entered.
3. Passengers’ data and onboard information must be entered and there’s an option to register a credit card.
In case of need, the Travel Agent can fill in the clients’ data and generate the cruise ticket in the MSC Book, although this way the cruise ticket won’t include the ‘Fast Track’ tag. Additionally, the Travel Agent can find all the available cruise tickets in the Booking > E-ticket section on MSC Book.
Before arriving at the port, guests should ensure that they have all personal travel documents required, and that all personal information shown in their cruise ticket is correct. In the event of necessary changes, they can repeat the online check-in process to re-issue the e-ticket.